Sunday, October 26, 2008

I Gambled and I Think I won

I had a growth about a half inch below my left eye and it was getting large enough that it caught on face cloths and towels. When it would catch, it would hurt, big time.
I took a chance and took some white thread and tied a knot around it. This was supposed to restrict blood flow and allow it to die. This didn't happen. Instead it was getting sore and was not stopping blood the flow. In addition to that, I couldn't get the white thread off and I was afraid it would get infected.
So, what did I do?? Well, I got a pair of tweezers and scissors, I pulled it out far enough to cut it off with the scissors. That part didn't hurt, but it bled more than I thought. I stopped the bleeding and of course, what ever it was is gone. I have a smooth face again.

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