Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I Wonder What Happened !!!!!

I was talking to Rachel and all communications from her shut down.

I tried to call her and it rang and rang and rang... I tried twice. I am really worried now

I don't know what to do... I have Jon's number, but I am reluctant to call him as I honestly don't know what I would really say to him. I don't know what happened.

I have to assume that if anything really bad happened, she would call him anyway.

I am going out of my gourd trying to figure it all out. I can't believe she simply shut me off without telling me. We usually leave our systems on all day on Wednesdays anyway, no matter what.
It's been over 2 hours... this is really getting to me, I am scared for her.

Update: Rachel signed in and told me she had a power failure.

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