Monday, March 28, 2011


Last evening my daughter, Lisa, called and we spoke of her relentless hunt on "Ancestry dot com" for our backgrounds and just information.

She has uncovered a wealth of information that I didn't know. First off... I have a sister. I always believed I had a twin sister and she died at child birth. At least. that's what I was told and the funny part about it is the name given at the time happens to be correct. Her name is Sarah and Lisa has her address someplace in California.

There is a lot of other information she shared that fills in a lot of blanks that I have had for years.

She is still digging and at some point in the summer when we visit her in Georgia, we will put all the information together in some sort of cronological order that makes sense.

I will be able to update my Novel about my life noiw that I will have all the pertinant information to do it with.

WOW... I am excited !!!!!

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