Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Recovering From My Depression

I get very depressed just going to work and coming home to do all the work in the house too.
Doris is very sharp with me anymore. I believe it's because she quit smoking and she is trying to overcome the withdrawal she must be going through now.
I am not doing very well in BT anymore, but I firmly believe it's because of the economy not the system. I have decided to "Go With The Flow" for 6 months and if it is still the same, I will quit.
I have a hard time believing that Rachels' condition, (personality disorder) has a damn thing to do with wanting to be involved with BT or not. I accept her decision to quit as she was spending way too much and not getting much back, however, the decision to spend that much was an impulse decision and not anything to do with "Personality Disorders".
The way I see it, if everybody that has a web based business has a personality disorder, then there are millions upon millions of people with the same problem - including me.
I wish I was in a position to help her and Jon financially, She is so important to me.

There are times I wonder why I bother to write anything in this site as I am the only one that reads it.
Anyway, talking to Rachel is my way of getting rid of my depression as we have fun and get silly with our discussions back and forth. It's so much fun for me.

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