Monday, September 29, 2008

It's Going To Take A While

My Best Friend's problem has been diagnosed as "Borderline Personality Disorder". New medicine, plus some of the old meds have been prescribed. She seems OK, but underneath, I know she is fighting her obsession daily.
She keeps herself busy creating Blogs to keep her mind occupied, as most of them may never be seen by very many people.

Her husband is willing to literally go broke, if that's what it takes to pay for her treatment. he told me it will cost between $450 to $550 per visit to the doctor. His very words were "It's only money and I would rather be broke with Rachel than the alternative". I didn't ask what the alternative, in his eyes, would be.

There is only one way to remove the potential of another problem and that is distance. It would take one of them moving away from Strathmore to avoid any intentional or un-intentional contact. Any kind of contact makes it extremely difficult to maintain composure.

I know how she feels as I too had an obsession about 21 years ago and I had a very hard time getting over it. Distance was the only answer. It's funny though, all through it, I still loved my wife and would always come back to her.

I pray for her daily !!!

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